Pufferfish Why do divers love seeing these fish? Because it looks like they are interested in us as much as […]
Pufferfish Why do divers love seeing these fish? Because it looks like they are interested in us as much as […]
Pipefish Most people you talk to on the street will know something about seahorses. You don’t have to be an
Parrotfish History of parrotfish The color of a parrotfish can be red, green, blue, yellow, gray, brown, or black. Males
Seahorse A seahorse is any type of small fish in the ocean that is in the genus Hippocampus. Kingdom of
ORA Dottyback Orchid There are just orchid dottybacks in the Red Sea. Usually found in colonies close to ledges or
Clown fish Clownfish and anemones have a symbiotic relationship that has allowed them to adapt to life on the reef.
The Humphead Wrasse It is a big fish that lives in coral reefs and is also called the Napoleon wrasse.
The Blue Tang surgeonfish Acanthuridae is the family of surgeonfish, which has 75 species. The Blue Tang is one of
Blue Tang Fish Small fish called blue tangs live on coral islands in the Indo-Pacific. Their bright royal blue and
Triggerfish with a pink tail It is a medium-sized fish with big, dark green scales, a small mouth, and eyes