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Manual vs Automatic Water Testing

   Manual vs Automatic Water Testing

Reefers have strong opinions on this subject, and people who reef often give strong arguments in favor of one way over the other. This piece will look at what both sides say, point out the important differences, and help you make an informed choice.

It’s great to test manually.

Some people who keep reef tanks like to test the water in their tanks by hand because they enjoy the process. They say that losing that fun would happen if the water tests were done automatically. It’s hard to make a counterargument because this is a biased claim. You should do what makes you happy if you’re one of these people!

It’s very helpful to have automatic testing.

One big benefit of automatic water testing over human testing is that it is easier and takes less time. This is very helpful for workers who are always on the go and don’t have time to take care of their fish and plants. Automatic testing lets you run tests from afar, so you don’t have to be there in person. This is very helpful when you’re moving. The ReefBot is an example of this because it lets you set your own testing times and get the results through a web or mobile app.

Testing by manual is more reliable.

Some people think that testing by hand is more reliable than testing automatically because they feel like they have more control over the process and can trust it more. But the truth is that automatic testing tools can be just as accurate, though it depends on the tool and how it works. For example, the ReefBot checks parameters using the same store-bought brands that human testers do. This gives the same results as hand testing but without the chance of human mistakes.

Automatic testing works every time.

Because automatic testing is mechanical, there is no room for mistakes that are common in physical testing. Let’s look at the Reefbot as an example. When testing factors with titration, the device’s error range doesn’t go over 2.5%, which isn’t important for getting results or figuring out what they mean. Manual testing, on the other hand, has a much larger mistake range, though it’s hard to give a number.

You can try more factors when you do testing by hand.Some automatic testing tools on the market check for one to three key factors most of the time. Our ReefBot, on the other hand, can test up to seven factors, and more features are being added all the time!

It is not possible to say for sure which method is better because it depends on the reefer’s personal tastes, way of life, and time constraints. Still, we hope that we’ve helped you understand some of the main differences between the two testing methods and come to your own conclusion. If you’d like to share your thoughts with us, please leave a review below.”


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