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ORA Dottyback Orchid 

There are just orchid dottybacks in the Red Sea. Usually found in colonies close to ledges or vertical walls, they dart out to capture zooplankton and return swiftly. Rather than appearing magenta or violet as they do in aquariums, they seem blue in their natural home, which is found at moderate to deep depths. This is due to seawater’s ability to filter red light. 

Dottyback orchids in aquariums are simple to maintain and feed. Since brine shrimp are tiny plankton feeders, the best feeds for them are krill and mysid shrimp. Many Orchid Dottybacks may be kept in a tank as long as there are enough of hiding places, even if they are mildly territorial. A spawning harem can form if several little individuals are introduced at the same time. 

Orchid dottybacks lay eggs that are held together by filamentous threads rather than being linked to a substrate, just like other members of the Pseudochromidae family. Usually, the male cares to the egg mass by placing it in a nook or small cave. The larvae develop for 28 to 30 days after the eggs hatch, which takes about three to four days. 

Indigo and Electric Indigo, the two Orchid Dottyback hybrids grown at ORA, may also catch your eye. 

consuming food Feed the Orchid Pseudochromis four to six times a week a combination of mysis shrimp and finely chopped meaty items. Every fish meal should be rich in vitamins to keep your fish healthy and less prone to disease. Food should be soaked in garlic when adding new fish or if you see ich or other ailments in the aquarium. Fish with higher immunity and better defenses against external parasites benefit from garlic. 

Suggestions for Eating 

 ORA Dottyback Orchid 

Don’t forget to feed your fish gradually. Phosphates and nitrates could rise if food remains. Feed more gently and give the fish time to eat before adding a bit more if you notice food sliding into the rocks or sand bed. You can target certain fish with food by using a turkey baster. For example, you could feed the less aggressive fish on one side of the tank and feed the aggressive fish on the other by squirting a small amount of food on the other. This manner, every fish has the opportunity to eat enough. 

Maximum Length: 3″. 

Easy Care Level 

kin Reef Pseudochromidae Certainly, compatibility 

Thirty gallons is the smallest size aquarium available. 

Range: aesthetically pleasing farms ORA 

Consumption: meat-based 

It is between 75 and 80°F in the water. The sample has a specific gravity of 1.024-1.026 (1.025 is excellent), a pH of 8.1-8.4, calcium levels of 420-440 ppm, alkalinity levels of 8-9.5 dKH, magnesium levels of 1260-1350 ppm, nitrate levels of <10 ppm, and phosphate levels of <0.10 ppm. 

Chemistry of Water 

The ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels in your Fridmani Pseudochromis should be kept below 10 parts per million. This will keep your pet happy and healthy. We advise performing a quick water change if the nitrate level increases above 10 ppm. It’s also critical to maintain the right levels of magnesium (1260-1350 ppm), calcium (420-440 ppm), and alkalinity (8-9.5 dkh – modify to 7-8 if you are carbon dosing). Lastly, maintain a constant temperature of two degrees or less.

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